
* images in PDF, Word documents, scanned copies, drawings, blurred background images cannot be translated

—— The following formats are supported——
  • word
    Microsoft Office:doc、docx、dot、dotx、dotm、docm、xml、odt
    WPS Office:wps、wpt
  • xls、xlsx、et、ett
  • ppt、pptx、dps、dpt
  • pdf
  • txt、rtf
*Source Language
*Target Language
uploaded 0%
Uploading documents Loading complete Translating Translation Done

Dear friend:

Due to business adjustment, we will cancel the points package from February 21, 2020.At the same time, began to sell pages package. We will convert it into pages according to the ratio of 2: 1, that is, 2 points =1 page.

Don't worry.When you download the translated documents, we will follow the 20% discount.



Due to business adjustments, documents are stored for 180 days by default before November 23, 2019, and documents are stored for 30 days by default after November 23, 2019. After expiration, documents will be completely erased and cannot be recovered.

Matters needing attention:

1.Documents in WPS, WPT, TXT and RTF formats will be charged according to the number of pages displayed by Microsoft Word. In Excel files every 2,000 characters will be regarded as one page, less than 2,000 characters will also be regarded as one page.

2.If the PDF is password protected, please use "PDF Password Cancellation" to remove the encryption protection before uploading the file.

3.Please do not upload drawings and documents. TranslateGo does not support such documents for the time being. Pictures, scans, drawings and pure pictures with blurred background in the document cannot be translated.


